Thursday, March 12, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Questions

  1. Who do think the special education process begins with?
  2. What kind of role do you think parents play in this process?
  3. How important do you think special education advisors are in students completing their IEP goals?
  4. Why do you think students struggle to complete their IEP goals?
  5. Who at the end of the day do you think is responsible if a students does not meet their IEP goals?
  6. What information should a special education advisor keep in mind when writing an IEP for a student?
  7. Who, in your opinion, supports a student the most throughout their special education academic life?
  8. What do you think is the best way to help students reach their IEP goals?
  9. If you could do so right now, how would you better the rate of students meeting their goals?
  10. Why do you think research puts so much pressure on schools during the special education process?
  11. What do you think is the most important thing about being a special education advisor?
  12. How can students themselves improve their chances of completing their IEP goals?
  13. Why is it important for IEP goals to be documented and reviewed constantly?
  14. How do you think not completing their IEP goals now would affect a student later in life?
  15. Do you think that the emotions are an important part of the special education system?
  16. How can a special education advisors emotions affect a students progress?
  17. What can be done to create a safe and carefree workspace for students?
  18. What do you think causes special education advisors to loose motivation in their work?
  19. Why is it important for special education advisors to maintain a passion for their work?
  20. How and why do you think foundational information about a student is so important when it comes to special education?